SIREN Applauds Passage of the DREAM Act and the American Promise Act by House Judiciary Committee

For Immediate Release: Friday, May 24, 2019

Contact:; (408) 453-3003


Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network (SIREN) Applauds Passage of the DREAM Act and the American Promise Act by House Judiciary Committee

House of Representatives must pass clean legislation during floor vote

Yesterday, the House Judiciary Committee successfully passed the DREAM Act and the  American Promise Act . These bills would provide a pathway to citizenship for DACA-recipients, DREAMers, and recipients of Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED). The Committee also passed legislation protecting Venezuelans in the United States. During the committee vote, members were able to successfully defeat various anti-immigrant amendments proposed on these bills.

The following is a statement from Maricela Gutiérrez, Executive Director of SIREN:

“Ever since Trump has taken office, the lives of DREAMers, DACA-recipients, and TPS holders have been plagued by uncertainty about their ability to remain in the country as cases have been litigated in the courts. Congress has long had the power to provide permanent protections to immigrants. Yesterday’s votes by the House Judiciary Committee to advance these two pieces of legislation means that we have overcome a major hurdle in making that a reality. We continue to remain concerned with provisions in the legislation that could bar individuals for certain criminal offenses and will continue to fight for clean legislation as it makes its way to the House floor. ”

Help support our efforts to fight for legislation advancing the rights of immigrant and refugee communities by making a donation to SIREN today. Thank you!


La Red de Servicios, Derechos de los Inmigrantes y Educación (SIREN) aplaude la aprobación de la Ley DREAM y la Ley de Promesas Estadounidenses por parte del Comité Judicial de la Cámara de Representantes

La Cámara de Representantes debe aprobar una legislación limpia durante la votación en el piso.

Ayer, el Comité Judicial de la Cámara aprobó con éxito el acto de DREAM y el acto American Promise. Estos proyectos de ley proporcionarían un camino hacia la ciudadanía para los destinatarios de DACA, los DREAMers y los beneficiarios del estado de protección temporal (TPS) y la salida forzada diferida (DED). El comité también aprobó una legislación que protege a los Venezolanos en los Estados Unidos. Durante la votación del comité, los miembros pudieron derrotar exitosamente varias enmiendas anti-inmigrantes propuestas en estos proyectos de ley.

La siguiente es una declaración de Maricela Gutiérrez, Directora Ejecutiva de SIREN:

“Desde que Trump asumió el cargo, la vida de los DREAMers, los beneficiarios de DACA y los titulares de TPS se vieron afectados por la incertidumbre acerca de su capacidad de permanecer en el país, ya que los casos se han litigado en los tribunales. El Congreso siempre ha tenido el poder de proporcionar protecciones permanentes a los inmigrantes. Los votos de ayer por el Comité Judicial de la Cámara de Representantes para avanzar estos dos instrumentos legislativos significan que hemos superado un obstáculo importante para hacer que esto sea una realidad. Seguimos preocupados por las disposiciones de la legislación que podrían prohibir a las personas por ciertos delitos penales y seguiremos luchando por una legislación limpia mientras se dirige al piso de la Cámara. ”

Ayude a apoyar nuestros esfuerzos para luchar por una legislación que promueva los derechos de las comunidades de inmigrantes y refugiados haciendo una donación a SIREN hoy. ¡Gracias!


SIREN is an immigrant rights organization based in Northern California and the Central Valley. Its mission is to empower low-income immigrants and refugees through community education and organizing, leadership development, policy advocacy, civic engagement and legal services. We believe that all people regardless of legal status or nationality are entitled to essential services, human dignity, basic rights and protections, and access to full participation in society.

Maricela Gutiérrez - Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network

DONATE to SIREN and give the gift of opportunity.
The opportunity to LEAD. DREAM. VOTE. 

Donate here:

Actualización sobre la Politíca de Detenidos Civiles del Condado de Santa Clara

Sanctuary Policy 3.jpg

El 9 de abril, después de más de cuatro horas de testimonio público, la Junta de Supervisores del Condado de Santa Clara votó 4-1 para dirigir al personal del condado a explorar los cambios en el proceso de notificación y transferencia de la política de santuario de nuestro condado. La política está actualmente vigente y no se han realizado cambios. La Oficina Ejecutiva del Condado de Santa Clara, junto con los Abogados del Condado, enviaron un formulario de comentarios de la organización para que las organizaciones dentro del condado brinden comentarios sobre qué cambios, si corresponde, se deben hacer a la política actual del santuario. La fecha límite para enviar comentarios fue el 26 de abril.

Nos gustaría agradecer a todos los líderes de la comunidad SIREN que vinieron a hacer oír sus voces. Al presentarnos para compartir nuestras preocupaciones, nos aseguramos de que nuestros funcionarios públicos sepan cómo pueden proteger a los inmigrantes y refugiados en nuestra comunidad. ¡Es a través de este tipo de activismo que continuaremos uniendo a las familias!

Update on Santa Clara County Civil Detainer Policy

Sanctuary Policy 3.jpg

On April 9, after over four hours of public testimony, the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors voted 4-1 to direct county staff to explore changes to the notification and transfer process of our county’s sanctuary policy. The policy is currently in place, and no changes have been made. The Santa Clara County Executive’s Office, along with County Counsel have sent out an organizational feedback form for organizations within the county to give feedback on what changes, if any, should be made to the current sanctuary policy. The deadline to submit feedback was April 26.

We would like to thank all of the SIREN community leaders who came out to make their voices heard. By coming forward to share our concerns, we are making sure that our public officials know how they can protect immigrants and refugees in our community. It is through this type of activism that we will continue to keep families together!

Statement Regarding Santa Clara County’s Civil Detainer Policy

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2019
Contact:; (408) 453-3003


Statement Regarding Santa Clara County’s Civil Detainer Policy

March 2019

Members of the Forum for Immigrant Rights & Empowerment (FIRE) Coalition, and its supporters, express our profound condolences to the family and loved ones of Bambi Larson who was tragically murdered in San Jose on February 28. We also urge the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors and San Jose officials to not distort or politicize this tragedy into an issue regarding immigration by altering the County’s current civil detainer policy. At this time, healing and unity is what is needed rather than attempts to cause division among our County’s residents. We ask our elected officials to keep the County’s current policy intact so that all community members - regardless of immigration status - can feel safe and are treated equally.

Our County has taken a bold stance in defending and upholding sanctuary policies in the face of attacks by the Trump Administration. We have proudly stood with the County’s efforts to challenge the federal government in court given all that our residents stand to lose by dismantling sanctuary policies. Our County’s policy has made us a pioneer nationally and set the standard for others to follow. Any change in our policy would mean a victory for the Trump Administration and would undermine our County’s leadership in recognizing the due process and civil rights of everyone.

We know that changing the County’s current policy will result in immigrant victims and witness of crimes becoming even more hesitant to come forward and seek justice. There is simply no way to completely alleviate an immigrant community member’s perception that any interaction with local government could result in ICE involvement if any change in policy were to occur. Trust between the immigrant community and the County was already shaken by ICE’s successful efforts to get into our County’s jails last year and we cannot afford to deepen that mistrust by any change in our policy. All victims and witnesses of crimes need to feel safe  coming forward and this is especially true for the most vulnerable within immigrant and refugee communities. When our neighbors feel safe coming forward, that increases safety for all of us. 

The reality is that ICE already has unprecedented resources and tools to conduct its enforcement operations and our organizations witness the real-life impact on community members every day. Families, students, and community members are routinely apprehended by immigration authorities at their homes, on their way to work, and in their neighborhoods. This is a federal agency which has terrorized our local communities and committed untold atrocities against immigrants, including those who have lost their lives in their custody. It does not need any further assistance in detaining and deporting our County’s residents. Doing so would only make our local government complicit in the federal government’s devastation. 

Now is the time for the County to be strong in ensuring everyone is safe and secure. We ask our community and those who support immigrants to contact the Board of Supervisors and let them know that our current policy should remain. And let us instead come together as a community and County to heal, unify, and build trust with each other. 

FIRE Coalition Members

Services, Immigrant Rights & Education Network (SIREN)

Silicon Valley De-Bug

Asian Law Alliance

Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC)

Pangea Legal Services

People Acting in Community Together (PACT)

Sacred Heart Community Service

Stanford Law School Immigrants’ Rights Clinic (on behalf of FIRE)

YWCA Silicon Valley

We welcome organizations working within Santa Clara County to join our statement as a supporting organization. If you would like to join this statement, please complete this form.

Maricela Gutiérrez - Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network

Donate to SIREN and give the gift of opportunity.
The opportunity to LEAD. DREAM. VOTE. 

Tuyên bố về chính sách giam giữ dân sự của Quận Hạt Santa Clara

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2019
Contact:; (408) 453-3003


Tuyên bố về chính sách giam giữ dân sự của Quận Hạt Santa Clara

Tháng Ba 2019

Các thành viên của liên minh diễn đàn về quyền của người nhập cư và liên minh trao quyền (FIRE), và những người ủng hộ, bày tỏ lời chia buồn sâu sắc đến gia đình và những người thân yêu của Bambi Larson, người đã bị sát hại thảm khốc ở San Jose vào ngày 28 tháng 2.  Chúng tôi cũng kêu gọi các quan chức Ban giám sát quận hạt Santa Clara và San Jose không bóp méo hoặc ban vê chinh trị trong thảm kịch này thành vấn đề liên quan đến nhập cư bằng cách thay đổi chính sách giam giữ dân sự hiện tại của Quận. Vào lúc này, sự chữa lành và đoàn kết là điều cần thiết thay vì cố gắng gây chia rẽ giữa các cư dân của Quận Hạt chúng ta.  Chúng tôi yêu cầu các quan chức được bầu giữ nguyên chính sách hiện tại của Quận để tất cả các thành viên cộng đồng - bất kể tình trạng nhập cư nào - có thể cảm thấy an toàn và được đối xử bình đẳng.

Quận của chúng ta đã có lập trường trong việc bảo vệ và duy trì các chính sách tôn nghiêm trước các cuộc tấn công của Chính quyền Trump.  Chúng tôi đã tự hào đứng trước những nỗ lực của Quận để thách thức chính quyền liên bang trước tòa vì tất cả những gì cư dân của chúng ta sẽ mất bằng cách phá bỏ các chính sách tôn nghiêm.  Chính sách của Quận chúng tôi đã khiến chúng tôi trở thành người tiên phong trên toàn quốc và đặt tiêu chuẩn cho những người khác tuân theo. Bất kỳ thay đổi nào trong chính sách của chúng tôi đều có nghĩa là một chiến thắng cho Chính quyền Trump và sẽ làm suy yếu sự lãnh đạo của Quận trong việc công nhận quy trình đúng hạn và quyền công dân của mọi người.

Chúng tôi biết rằng việc thay đổi chính sách hiện tại của Quận sẽ dẫn đến nạn nhân nhập cư và chứng kiến tội phạm càng trở nên do dự hơn để tiến lên và tìm kiếm công lý.  Đơn giản là không có cách nào để giảm bớt hoàn toàn nhận thức của một thành viên cộng đồng người nhập cư rằng bất kỳ tương tác nào với chính quyền địa phương có thể dẫn đến sự tham gia của ICE nếu có bất kỳ thay đổi nào trong chính sách.  Sự tin tưởng giữa cộng đồng người nhập cư và Quận đã bị lung lay bởi những nỗ lực thành công của ICE để vào nhà tù của Quận chúng tôi vào năm ngoái và chúng tôi không đủ khả năng để làm sâu sắc thêm sự ngờ vực bởi bất kỳ thay đổi nào trong chính sách của chúng tôi. Tất cả nạn nhân và nhân chứng của tội phạm cần phải cảm thấy an toàn trong tương lai và điều này đặc biệt đúng với những người dễ bị tổn thương nhất trong cộng đồng người nhập cư và tị nạn.  Khi khu vực của chúng ta cảm thấy an toàn, điều đó làm tăng sự an toàn cho tất cả chúng ta.

Thực tế là ICE đã có các nguồn lực và công cụ để tiến hành các hoạt động thực thi của mình và các tổ chức của chúng tôi chứng kiến tác động thực tế đến các thành viên cộng đồng mỗi ngày. Gia đình, học sinh và các thành viên cộng đồng thường xuyên bị các cơ quan di trú bắt giữ tại nhà, trên đường đi làm và trong các khu phố của họ.  Đây là một cơ quan liên bang đã khủng bố các cộng đồng địa phương của chúng ta và thực hiện hành vi tàn ác chưa từng thấy đối với người nhập cư, bao gồm cả những người đã mất mạng khi bị giam giữ. Không cần thêm bất kỳ sự trợ giúp nào trong việc giam giữ và trục xuất cư dân Quận chúng ta. Làm như vậy sẽ chỉ làm cho sự tàn phá của chính quyền địa phương của chúng ta.

Bây giờ là lúc để Quận mạnh mẽ trong việc đảm bảo mọi người được an toàn và bảo đảm.  Thay vào đó, chúng ta hãy đến với nhau như một cộng đồng và để hàn gắn, thống nhất và xây dựng niềm tin với nhau.

FIRE Coalition Members

Services, Immigrant Rights & Education Network (SIREN)

Silicon Valley De-Bug

Asian Law Alliance

Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC)

Pangea Legal Services

People Acting in Community Together (PACT)

Sacred Heart Community Service

Stanford Law School Immigrants’ Rights Clinic (on behalf of FIRE)

YWCA Silicon Valley

Chúng tôi hoan nghênh các tổ chức làm việc trong Quận Hạt Santa Clara tham gia tuyên bố của chúng tôi với tư cách là một tổ chức hỗ trợ. Nếu bạn muốn tham gia tuyên bố này, xin vui lòng điền vào mẫu này.

Maricela Gutiérrez - Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network

Donate to SIREN and give the gift of opportunity.
The opportunity to LEAD. DREAM. VOTE. 

Declaración sobre la política de detención civil del condado de Santa Clara

For Immediate Release: Wednesday, March 28, 2019
Contact:; (408) 453-3003


Declaración sobre la política de detención civil del condado de Santa Clara

Marzo 2019

Los miembros de la Coalición Foro por los Derechos y Empoderamiento de los Inmigrantes (FIRE, por sus siglas en inglés) y sus partidarios expresan nuestro profundo pésame a la familia y seres queridos de Bambi Larson, quien fue asesinada trágicamente en San José el 28 de febrero. También instamos a la Junta del Condado de Santa Clara de Supervisores y funcionarios de San José para no distorsionar o politizar esta tragedia en un tema relacionado con la inmigración al alterar la política actual de detención civil del Condado. En este momento, la sanación y la unidad es lo que se necesita en lugar de los intentos de causar división entre los residentes de nuestro Condado. Pedimos a nuestros funcionarios electos que mantengan intacta la política actual del Condado para que todos los miembros de la comunidad, independientemente de su estatus migratorio, puedan sentirse seguros y reciban el mismo trato.

Nuestro Condado ha tomado una posición audaz en la defensa y el respeto de las políticas del santuario frente a los ataques de la Administración Trump. Nos hemos mantenido orgullosos de los esfuerzos del Condado para desafiar al gobierno federal en los tribunales, dado todo lo que nuestros residentes pueden perder al desmantelar las políticas del santuario. La política de nuestro Condado nos ha convertido en un pionero a nivel nacional y ha establecido el estándar para que otros lo sigan. Cualquier cambio en nuestra política significaría una victoria para la Administración de Trump y socavaría el liderazgo de nuestro Condado al reconocer el debido proceso y los derechos civiles de todos.

Sabemos que cambiar la política actual del Condado dará como resultado que las víctimas inmigrantes y testigos de crímenes se vuelvan aún más indecisos a presentarse y buscar justicia. Simplemente no hay manera de aliviar completamente la percepción de un miembro de la comunidad inmigrante de que cualquier interacción con el gobierno local podría resultar en la participación de ICE si ocurriera algún cambio en la política. La confianza entre la comunidad inmigrante y el Condado ya se vio afectada por los exitosos esfuerzos de ICE por ingresar a las cárceles de nuestro Condado el año pasado y no podemos permitirnos profundizar esa desconfianza por cualquier cambio en nuestra política. Todas las víctimas y testigos de delitos deben sentirse seguros y esto es especialmente cierto para las personas más vulnerables dentro de las comunidades de inmigrantes y refugiados. Cuando nuestros vecinos se sienten seguros al avanzar, eso aumenta la seguridad para todos nosotros.

La realidad es que ICE ya cuenta con recursos y herramientas sin precedentes para llevar a cabo sus operaciones de cumplimiento y nuestras organizaciones son testigos del impacto en la vida real de los miembros de la comunidad todos los días. Las familias, los estudiantes y los miembros de la comunidad son detenidos rutinariamente por las autoridades de inmigración en sus hogares, en su camino al trabajo y en sus vecindarios. Esta es una agencia federal que ha aterrorizado a nuestras comunidades locales y ha cometido innumerables atrocidades contra los inmigrantes, incluidos aquellos que han perdido la vida bajo su custodia. No necesita más asistencia para detener y deportar a los residentes de nuestro Condado. Hacerlo solo haría que nuestro gobierno local sea cómplice de la devastación del gobierno federal.

Ahora es el momento de que el Condado sea fuerte para garantizar que todos estén seguros. En su lugar, unámonos como una comunidad y un condado para sanar, unificarnos y construir confianza unos con otros.

Miembros de la coalición FIRE

Servicios, Red de Derechos de Inmigrantes y Educación (SIREN)

Silicon Valley De-Bug

Asian Law Alliance

Immigration Legal Resources Center (ILRC)

Pangea Legal Services

People Acting in Community Together (PACT)

Sacred Heart Community Service

Stanford Law School Immigrants’ Rights Clinic (on behalf of FIRE)

YWCA Silicon Valley

Damos la bienvenida a las organizaciones que trabajan en el Condado de Santa Clara para unirse a nuestra declaración como una organización de apoyo. Si desea unirse a esta declaración, complete este formulario.

Maricela Gutiérrez - Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network

Donate to SIREN and give the gift of opportunity.
The opportunity to LEAD. DREAM. VOTE. 

SIREN Condemns Trump Proposal on Public Charge // SIREN Condena La Propuesta de Trump Sobre Carga Pública

For Immediate Release: Monday, September 24, 2018

Contact:; (408) 453-3003

Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network (SIREN) Condemns Trump Proposal on Public Charge and Prepares to Submit Public Comment 

Over the weekend, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced its proposal to drastically limit the ability for low-income immigrants to get a green card. The new proposed rule would expand the definition of “public charge” to include non-cash public benefits for food and nutrition assistance, certain health care benefits, and housing and rental assistance. The use of these benefits moving forward could be heavily factored into denying an individual a green card. It is important to note that this rule has not yet gone into effect and immigrants who are currently eligible for those programs can continue to use them. It would not apply to certain categories of individuals, including refugees, asylees, and survivors of domestic violence, seeking a green card.

The following is a statement from Maricela Gutiérrez, Executive Director of Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network (SIREN):

“The expansion of public charge is clearly designed to punish communities of color who rely upon these safety net resources to survive. If this rule were adopted, working class immigrants and their families could be denied the opportunity to get a green card simply because they need to put food on their table, a roof over their head, or get life-saving health care. Health, food, and housing are basic human rights and no one needs to choose between these basic needs and being reunited with their family. This proposed rule is yet another attack on immigrants and their families orchestrated by Trump and the xenophobic forces within his Administration. This rule is not yet in effect and we have the opportunity to fight it - which is exactly what SIREN will be doing to ensure that everyone has a chance to get a green card, regardless of where they come from or how much money they make.”

After the final proposed rule is released, SIREN will join partners across the country urging community members and allies to submit public comment demanding that the definition of public charge not be expanded.



Para publicación inmediata: lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2018

Contacto:; (408) 453-3003

Servicios, Red de Derechos de Inmigrantes y Educación (SIREN) Condena La Propuesta de Trump Sobre Carga Pública y Se Prepara Para Enviar Comentarios Públicos

Durante el fin de semana, el Departamento de Seguridad Nacional (DHS) anunció su propuesta de limitar drásticamente la capacidad de los inmigrantes de bajos ingresos para obtener una tarjeta verde. La nueva regla propuesta ampliaría la definición de "carga pública" para incluir beneficios públicos no monetarios para asistencia alimentaria y nutricional, ciertos beneficios de atención médica y asistencia para vivienda y alquiler. El uso de estos beneficios en el futuro podría ser un factor importante para negarle a un individuo una tarjeta verde. Es importante tener en cuenta que esta regla aún no ha entrado en vigencia y los inmigrantes que actualmente son elegibles para esos programas pueden continuar usándolos. No se aplicaría a ciertas categorías de personas, incluidos los refugiados, los asilados y los sobrevivientes de la violencia doméstica, que buscan una tarjeta verde.

La siguiente es una declaración de Maricela Gutiérrez, Directora Ejecutiva de Servicios, Derechos de Inmigrantes y Red de Educación (SIREN):

"La expansión de la carga pública está claramente diseñada para castigar a las comunidades de color que dependen de estos recursos de la red de seguridad para sobrevivir. Si se adopta esta regla, a los inmigrantes de la clase trabajadora y sus familias se les podría negar la oportunidad de obtener una tarjeta verde simplemente porque necesitan poner comida en su mesa, un techo sobre su cabeza o recibir atención médica que salve vidas. La salud, los alimentos y la vivienda son derechos humanos básicos y nadie tiene que elegir entre estas necesidades básicas y reunirse con su familia. Esta regla propuesta es otro ataque a los inmigrantes y sus familias orquestado por Trump y las fuerzas xenófobas dentro de su administración. Esta regla aún no está en vigencia y tenemos la oportunidad de luchar contra ella, que es exactamente lo que SIREN hará para garantizar que todos tengan la oportunidad de obtener una tarjeta verde, independientemente de dónde vengan o cuánto dinero ganen. "

Después de que se publique la regla final propuesta, SIREN se unirá a socios en todo el país para instar a los miembros de la comunidad y a sus aliados a enviar comentarios públicos exigiendo que no se amplíe la definición de carga pública.


 Donate to SIREN and give the gift of opportunity.
The opportunity to LEAD. DREAM. VOTE. 

Latest News on DACA/ Últimas Noticias Sobre DACA

SIREN Applauds Court Ruling on DACA and Urges DACA-Recipients to Renew

Yesterday, U.S. District Court Judge John Bates in Washington, DC ruled that the DACA program should be fully restored finding that the Trump Administration has not provided an adequate justification for terminating the program. The court ordered USCIS to begin to accept new DACA applications starting August 23 and to continue to accept renewal applications. The Trump Administration may also appeal the court’s ruling in that time. There are various court cases currently relating to DACA, including a hearing at the federal court in Texas next week. SIREN urges those who have DACA to renew as soon as possible and reminds those who have never applied for DACA that they can not yet apply. The following is a statement from Maricela Gutiérrez, Executive Director of Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network (SIREN):


“This ruling affirms what we have known all along: Trump cannot justify the termination of DACA. His Administration would be hard-pressed to find an argument that can withhold legal scrutiny which is why it should not appeal this decision and instead move forward with fully restoring the program. For those who do not have DACA, we remind community members that there is nothing to apply for yet and to be sure to not turn to those who claim that they can apply. For those who have DACA, make sure that you renew as soon as possible - there is no time to lose with other cases on the program making their way through the courts. Everyone, regardless of status, should be allowed to come and stay in the country - and this ruling gets us closer to ensuring that we live up to that value as a country.”


SIREN hosts free DACA renewal workshops and provides scholarships to cover the costs of the filing fee for all eligible applicants. For more information about upcoming workshops please visit:




SIREN Aplaude Decisión de la Corte sobre DACA y Sugiere a los Destinatarios de DACA a Renovar

Ayer, el juez del Tribunal de Distrito de los EE. UU., John Bates, en Washington, DC, dictaminó que el programa DACA debería restaurarse por completo al constatar que la Administración Trump no ha proporcionado una justificación adecuada para terminar el programa. La corte ordenó a USCIS comenzar a aceptar nuevas solicitudes de DACA a partir del 23 de agosto y continuar aceptando solicitudes de renovación. La Administración Trump también puede apelar el fallo del tribunal en ese momento. Hay varios casos judiciales actualmente relacionados con DACA, incluida una audiencia en el tribunal federal de Texas la próxima semana. SIREN sugiere a aquellos que tienen DACA a renovar lo antes posible y les recuerda a aquellos que nunca solicitaron DACA que aún no pueden presentar la solicitud. La siguiente es una declaración de Maricela Gutiérrez, Directora Ejecutiva de Servicios, Derechos de Inmigrantes y Red de Educación (SIREN):

"Esta decisión confirma lo que hemos sabido desde el principio: Trump no puede justificar la finalización de DACA. Su Administración se vería en apuros para encontrar un argumento que pueda retener el escrutinio legal, por lo que no debería apelar esta decisión y, en su lugar, seguir adelante con la restauración total del programa. Para aquellos que no tienen DACA, les recordamos a los miembros de la comunidad que no hay nada para solicitar todavía y para asegurarnos de no recurrir a quienes afirman que pueden postularse. Para aquellos que tienen DACA, asegúrese de renovar lo antes posible; no hay tiempo que perder con otros casos en el programa que atraviesan los tribunales. Todos, independientemente de su estatus, deberían poder venir y permanecer en el país, y esta decisión nos acerca a garantizar que vivamos ese valor como país”.

SIREN ofrece talleres gratuitos de renovación de DACA y ofrece becas para cubrir los costos de la tarifa de presentación para todos los solicitantes elegibles. Para obtener más información sobre los próximos talleres, visite:


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The opportunity to LEAD. DREAM. VOTE. 

SIREN Condemns Trump Administration’s Ending of TPS for Honduras

Press Contact:
Erik Schnabel, Communications Manager


SIREN strongly condemns today’s action by the Trump Administration to end Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for people from Honduras. This end of legal status  Hondurans, which is effective 1/5/2020, impacts over 57,000 people. Even more outrageous, is that this is the second time in a week, and the sixth time since the beginning the year, that the Trump Administration has ended TPS for individuals needing protection. With his ending of TPS for Honduras, Nepal, El Salvador, Haití, Nicaragua and Sudan, he has ended TPS for more than 310,000 people this year. Many who have had their legal status ripped away from them through this callous act, have lived him for years, some as many as 20 years or more. People have raised their families here, contributed to our communities, and been our neighbors, only to find their only legal protection to continue their lives here ripped away without any thought or consideration of the impact on people’s lives. While the Department of Homeland Security, who made the recommendation to end TPS, says it studied conditions in Honduras before it made this decision, it's clear that Honduras continues to be impacted by many of the conditions that created TPS status originally, including rampant violence and numerous human rights violations on communities across the country. SIREN’s Executive Director Maricela Gutiérrez stated, “Today’s decision by the Trump Administration to end TPS for Hondurans is one more anti-immigrant outrage. Everyday, immigrants and communities of color are facing real consequences of this heartless Administration. We call on Congress to take serious actions to stop these attacks of these communities and begin to stand up to cruelty of Trump and his Administration. What we need is legislation that creates a permanent solution to TPS and ensures that people who have been living here, are able to stay here. SIREN continues to stand in solidarity with our Honduran community, and will continue to speak out to find a solution to this outrageous ending of TPS.”

Maricela Gutiérrez - Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network

Donate to SIREN and give the gift of opportunity.
The opportunity to LEAD. DREAM. VOTE. 

Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network (SIREN) Condemns Budget Deal Without a Clean DREAM Act

Media Contact: Erik Schnabel, Development and Communications Manager
Phone Number: 408-453-3003

SIREN strongly condemns this week’s vote  in the House of Representatives on the budget continuing resolution and the Senate deal  which do not include a clean DREAM Act. The House voted 245-182 for a Continuing Resolution to extend government spending till March 23rd. This vote and the Senate deal continues the uncertainty that many of DACA-recipients and DREAMers particularly because the continuing resolution extends beyond the March 5th deadline to end the DACA program without a legislative solution.

We must remember that this crisis was created by Trump’s own decision to end the DACA program and establish the arbitrary March 5th termination date. Yet, Congress has the responsibility to pass a clean DREAM Act urgently and several California Representatives on both sides of the aisle failed to heed the call of their constituents in their votes. Among the House members who voted for the continuing resolution without a clean DREAM Act include Reps. Jim Costa, Jeff Denham, David Valadao, Devin Nunes, and John Garamendi. We want to acknowledge House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and all the representatives who participated in a filibuster of the House legislation by sharing stories of DREAMers and for their push to have Speaker Paul Ryan to commit to bring a vote on the DREAM Act. .

Last Friday, SIREN led an action and meeting with Rep. David Valadao’s office in Hanford, CA urging him to address the situation of DREAMers. But he clearly chose to ignore the voices of DACA-recipients, DREAMers, and immigrants from his district calling for him to withhold his vote on the continuing resolution and condemn anti-immigrant proposals on the table . SIREN Executive Director Maricela Gutiérrez stated, “ We have various members of Congress in California who voted with their conscience and withheld their approval of the continuing resolution. Yet, other Members of Congress and the current Senate deal cannot continue to ignore the DREAMers that live in their district nor brush aside calls to address the future of these young people who are making a difference in their communities. We urge California’s Senators and members of Congress to withhold their support of any deal that does not include a clean DREAM Act.”

Red de Servicios, Derechos de Inmigrantes y Red Educativa (SIREN) condena el Voto de la Cámara de Representantes y el Senado sobre la resolución continua sin una Acta de DREAM limpia

Para más información contacte a: 
Erik Schnabel, Gerente de Desarrollo y Comunicaciones con SIREN
Tel. (408) 453-3003

SIREN condena enérgicamente el voto de ayer en la Cámara de Representantes sobre la resolución continua del presupuesto y el trato del Senado hoy sin incluir una Acta de DREAM limpia. La Cámara votó 245-182 por una Resolución Continua para extender el gasto del gobierno hasta el 23 de marzo. Este voto y el acuerdo del Senado continúan la incertidumbre que muchos de los beneficiarios de DACA y DREAMers particularmente porque la resolución continua se extiende más allá de la fecha límite del 5 de marzo para terminar el programa de DACA sin una solución legislativa.

Debemos recordar que esta crisis fue creada por la propia decisión de Trump de finalizar el programa DACA y establecer la fecha arbitraria de finalización del 5 de marzo. Sin embargo, el Congreso tiene la responsabilidad de aprobar una Acta de DREAM limpia con urgencia y varios Representantes de California en ambos lados del pasillo no respondieron el llamado de sus electores en sus votaciones. Entre los miembros de la Cámara que votaron por la resolución continua sin una Acta de DREAM limpia están los representantes Jim Costa, Jeff Denham, David Valadao, Devin Nunes y John Garamendi. Queremos agradecer a la líder de la minoría de la Cámara, Nancy Pelosi, y a todos los representantes que participaron en una obstrucción de la legislación de la Cámara al compartir historias de DREAMers y por su presión para que el Rep. Paul Ryan se comprometa a votar el DREAM Act. .

El viernes pasado, SIREN dirigió una acción y se reunió con la oficina del Representante David Valadao en Hanford, California, instándolo a abordar la situación de los Soñadores. Pero él claramente optó por ignorar las voces de los destinatarios de DACA, los DREAMers y los inmigrantes de su distrito que lo llamaban para que rehusara su voto sobre la resolución continua y condenara las propuestas anti-inmigrantes sobre la mesa. La Directora Ejecutiva de SIREN, Maricela Gutiérrez, declaró: "Tenemos varios miembros del Congreso en California que votaron con su conciencia y no aprobaron la resolución continua. Sin embargo, otros miembros del Congreso y el actual acuerdo del Senado no pueden seguir ignorando a los DREAMers que viven en su distrito ni ignorar los llamados a abordar el futuro de estos jóvenes que están haciendo una diferencia en sus comunidades. "El Senado votará en breve sobre su acuerdo y luego se trasladará a la Cámara. Instamos a los senadores y miembros del Congreso de California a que no envíen su apoyo a ningún acuerdo que no incluya un Acta de DREAM limpia."