Press Statement: New Californian House Majority Leader Must Bring Immigration Reform Vote to the Floor

Rep. McCarthy is the new House Majority Leader - Will he ignore the will of his constituents and most Americans or lead his party and our country forward on immigration reform?


San José, CA – Today, House Republicans voted California’s Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield) as their new Majority Leader after the defeat of Rep. Eric Cantor in the Virginia Primary earlier this month. Services, Immigrant Rights, and Education Network (SIREN) calls on the new Majority Leader to lead the House of Representatives and boldly and promptly address immigration reform.


The following is a statement from SIREN:

“Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy is now in the driver’s seat and has the power to give us a vote on immigration reform and end this crisis that is ripping our families and our communities apart. He has a second chance to do the right thing on immigration and mend relationships with Latino, Asian, and immigrant communities.  More than anyone else in the House, McCarthy knows how important immigration reform is, especially to his farmer, agricultural worker, and heavy Latino constituency.

"Over the past year, Majority Leader McCarthy has made several comments about the need to push for a vote on immigration.  Last November, after a group of 13 women staged a sit-in at his Bakersfield office, he came in at the near-midnight hour and told the women leaders that he would bring a vote on immigration reform to the floor if he could.  As Majority Leader, now he can, and we are ready to remind him of his commitment.

"Today, we urge Majority Leader McCarthy to lead with actions and not just words.   A bold and compassionate approach can set him apart from those blocking reform and help our country move away from the cruel and inhumane system that keeps millions of aspiring Americans hidden in the shadows unable to fully contribute to a better future for all.

"This change in leadership provides one of the greatest opportunities to prove to the American people that Congress can still solve problems and move bipartisan immigration reform forward. Our movement in California and across the nation is committed to pushing forward until we reach a permanent solution to our broken immigration system.”
