A Message from the Executive Director - May 2019


Dear Friends,

Thanks to the adamant efforts of SIREN leaders, our partners in the FIRE Coalition and allies, on Tuesday, June 4, 2019 the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors unanimously affirmed their position of not working with ICE and respecting the due process rights of all immigrants. This represents an important victory for our immigrant and refugee communities! In moments like these, we are reminded of the power of our community, and how critical it is for us to stand and speak up at every level of government.

We also firmly believe that immigrants deserve dignity and compassion including through medical care. Income or immigration status should not be a reason why someone cannot seek health care. This is why SIREN has been committed to being a strong, vocal advocate pushing for #Health4All, as part of our unrelenting agenda for human rights and dignity for everyone.  

We must continue to be vigilant and loud when it comes to the injustices and cruelty of the current administration. Seeing children in detention, robbed of their freedom and innocence, is an abomination few could have imagined. The incarceration and persecution of humanitarian volunteers providing water and support to immigrants on their journey to this country is happening today. And with Trump recently threatening increased enforcement in major U.S. cities, we must remember not to panic but protect ourselves by knowing our rights and reaching out for support. These dark realities remind us that our work is fundamentally about human rights and the dignity of all people, regardless of status, nationality, religion, gender identity, or sexual orientation.

Our SIREN leaders, staff, and supporters understand the vital importance of this work and implore your support in this journey. We invite you to join us by making a donation today in honor of our fight to treat all immigrants with dignity.

In community spirit,

Maricela Gutiérrez
Executive Director 
Services, Immigrant Rights & Education Network (SIREN)